Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week 47

Time to take our Christmas card photos! I was so excited to finally use these reindeer overlays that I purchased. These turned out so cute and I can't wait to slap them on a Christmas card! =)

It's officially Thanksgiving break! The first day off we didn't do much. I did lots of laundry, cleaned up the house, and the kids were bored! So the next day we took Pax to get his hair cut and afterwards I surprised them with a trip to Cool Beans. One of their most favorite places to play. Wahoo!

Oh… and Brexlyn decided to sit unsisted this week. She's sitting!!! Good grief, she's getting big!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week 46

Alexis had crazy hair day at school. Always a fun one! We did lots of little messy buns all over her head.

My boy and his tonka trucks…

I spy with my little eye……. a baby who likes to crawl around my clean laundry piles.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Week 45

Brexlyn is 5 MONTHS OLD!

I have been so busy with client sessions lately. Shooting and editing has taken over my life. After each session though, I like to stick around to watch the last of the sun set behind the mountains. It's peaceful and quiet. 

She loves this thing! All 3 of my kids have loved it. Best investment ever!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 44

I volunteered in both kids' classrooms this year for their Halloween parties. I was lucky that they ended up not being at the same time! I love helping out in their classrooms.

Happy Halloween from the mermaid, dinosaur skeleton, and kitty!

Alexis had her first service project for Girl Scouts called "scouting for food". We were assigned a neighborhood and had to deliver fliers to each any every door in that neighborhood. It took us a little over 3 hours to accomplish the entire neighborhood, but we got it done. Wahoo!!

Monday, November 2, 2015

A Day in the Life

Some photog friends asked me to join them in this "A Day in the Life photo project". I was so excited! I love the idea of doing this once a month so that at the end of the year you will have 12 ordinary days completely documented. What great memories. Anyways…. here is mine…

October 28th, 2015

I woke up and after hitting snooze a few times, finally got up at 6:56am

I go and get Alexis up so she can start getting ready for school.

Paxton hears us and gets up on his own. I realize I forgot an ingredient for dinner and ask Cory to run to the grocery store to get it for me. The kids and I head downstairs and make breakfast. Cory comes home with said ingredient AND Starbucks. Bless that man!

While the kids eat breakfast and Cory packs Alexis' lunch, I drink my coffee, check my email, and start replying back to clients.

Off they go for the day … 

After they leave, I clean up breakfast, do the dishes, and get the dishwasher started.

Paxton helps me do a load of laundry.

The baby is awake! I put on Miles of Tomorrowland (Paxton's favorite show) and go feed the baby.

After a full belly and some snuggles I get Brexlyn dressed…

Paxton's show is over, he comes upstairs to get dressed for the day too. He struggles getting his jeans on and there is a tantrum. It only lasts a minute. Phew...

I go take a shower and get ready. I've been loving my Urban Decay Naked2 pallette lately.

I get dinner going in the crockpot… Mississippi Roast…mmm! I make lunch for Paxton and get him ready for school.

Off we go to get Paxton to school, and Brexlyn loving her toes.

We get back home and Brexlyn takes a nap. While she sleeps I edit client photos and reply to emails.

Baby is awake! We play!

We go pick the big kids up from school. Cory meets me there to take Paxton and Brexlyn.

I take Alexis to her dance class and chat with the moms. 

We get back home and dinner is ready. It's super yummy! (For some reason I forgot to take pictures of this) Then Alexis does her math homework.

We get all 3 kiddos to bed…

ah… finally… all cuddled up with my hubby and we watch a movie and go to bed.