Monday, November 2, 2015

A Day in the Life

Some photog friends asked me to join them in this "A Day in the Life photo project". I was so excited! I love the idea of doing this once a month so that at the end of the year you will have 12 ordinary days completely documented. What great memories. Anyways…. here is mine…

October 28th, 2015

I woke up and after hitting snooze a few times, finally got up at 6:56am

I go and get Alexis up so she can start getting ready for school.

Paxton hears us and gets up on his own. I realize I forgot an ingredient for dinner and ask Cory to run to the grocery store to get it for me. The kids and I head downstairs and make breakfast. Cory comes home with said ingredient AND Starbucks. Bless that man!

While the kids eat breakfast and Cory packs Alexis' lunch, I drink my coffee, check my email, and start replying back to clients.

Off they go for the day … 

After they leave, I clean up breakfast, do the dishes, and get the dishwasher started.

Paxton helps me do a load of laundry.

The baby is awake! I put on Miles of Tomorrowland (Paxton's favorite show) and go feed the baby.

After a full belly and some snuggles I get Brexlyn dressed…

Paxton's show is over, he comes upstairs to get dressed for the day too. He struggles getting his jeans on and there is a tantrum. It only lasts a minute. Phew...

I go take a shower and get ready. I've been loving my Urban Decay Naked2 pallette lately.

I get dinner going in the crockpot… Mississippi Roast…mmm! I make lunch for Paxton and get him ready for school.

Off we go to get Paxton to school, and Brexlyn loving her toes.

We get back home and Brexlyn takes a nap. While she sleeps I edit client photos and reply to emails.

Baby is awake! We play!

We go pick the big kids up from school. Cory meets me there to take Paxton and Brexlyn.

I take Alexis to her dance class and chat with the moms. 

We get back home and dinner is ready. It's super yummy! (For some reason I forgot to take pictures of this) Then Alexis does her math homework.

We get all 3 kiddos to bed…

ah… finally… all cuddled up with my hubby and we watch a movie and go to bed.