Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Week 46

What a week! It started with Alexis getting sick, then got passed along to Paxton and now me. Blah. It's been a long week and we're all still batteling the crud. Hopefully next week I will be able to report that we are all back to our normal healthy selfs!

The kids have had way too much iPad time. But when you're pregnant and sick, you pick your battles. ;)

Alexis had her day to stay home from school. We all lounged on the couch watching Christmas movies and drinking hot tea. The next day I sent Alexis to school but kept Paxton home from school. That morning his cough was so deep and he just looked miserable. It didn't take long for him to liven up and run around playing, which made me feel guilty for keeping him home. sigh. I did enjoy spending some alone time with him though.

(waiting for big sis to get out of Kindergarten)