Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Week 49

It's that time of year again….things have gotten so busy! Between finishing up all my client sessions and trying to stay as up to date as possible with my personal photos, it seems that my nights are getting later and later with editing. 

Alexis' dance studio changed it up this year and decided to have the winter recital a Christmas recital and have it in December. Nothing like adding another thing in a already crazy month. The week leading up to the recital was nothing short than exhausting. We made it though, barely.

Brexlyn is 6 months old! This 3rd baby is growing fast! We had her 6 month check up and she is now 16.3lbs! 53percentile. She's healthy and perfect and we're so in love with her.

Annual Christmas tree photos. I enjoy taking these each year and will probably make my children take these all the way until they get married and have families of their own, ha!

Do you ever see something and become so inspired to photograph it? That's how these candles were for me. I just had to grab my camera, and I'm glad I did.

Brexlyn had her very first baby food experience. We decided to try out bananas. She gave some pretty bad faces, but then would lean forward for more, so I'm not sure what she thought of it? But we all loved watching her.

I can't believe we're at this point already, it seems like just a few days ago I was finding out I was pregnant with her. It's all going too fast.